UPDATED: My COVID-19 Hospital Bag Packing List

Since giving birth during a pandemic is totally new, I’ve been at a total loss with how to adjust to some of the new policies - specifically, with what to pack in my hospital bag. Here’s what I ended up packing in my pandemic pregnancy hospital bag in hopes of helping someone else pack their bag during this time. Truly the bare minimum here as we won’t have any visitors, and will hopefully be discharged within 24-48 hours.
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Maternity Must-Haves That Got Me Through Pregnancy

Greetings from 36 weeks of pregnancy! I figured it’s as good of a time as ever to look back at the past months and get into exactly what got me through every step of the way. There are SO many products being peddled at you at this time, but there’s only a few that I found I couldn’t live without. Ready to dive in?
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Beauty Experiments To Try During Quarantine

Quarantine time has been crazy. If you're feeling productive, take advantage. If you’re not, that’s okay too. If each day is different, then embrace that. If you are feeling productive and are ready to have your COVID glow up, I hear you. What better time to do all of the beauty rituals (cough experiments) that you usually don’t have time for? These are some of my fav beauty pick-me-ups.
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The Best Tips for Working From Home

I’m a master of working from home. While I know it’s not for everyone, many don’t have a choice but to WFH at the moment - so why not make the most of it? Staying inside and practicing social distancing are a small price to pay to contain this crazy virus, and the more you can stay the fuck home, the quicker this thing ends.
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4 Things To Do Today For Better Skin Tomorrow

While I’m all about a good skincare routine, let’s talk about the small things you can do like, right now, that don’t require a trip to Sephora or complete overhaul of every product you own, that will give you better skin this week.
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